

MA, Oregon State University, Corvallis



更加与众不同 received his Bachelor of Science in English from Utah Valley University and went on to earn his Master of Arts in English from Oregon State University-Corvallis. Jurgens teaches English Composition, wherein students learn to express themselves - eloquently, and with fervor - in accordance with their own passions, 性格和信仰. He also teaches Introduction to Literature, where he focuses on the students gaining an understanding of the major mediums (including dramatic works, 短篇小说, 小说, comics and poetry) and genres of literature, while also strengthening compositional dexterity and proficiency.

"The best ways to foster deeper thinking and to get past the 'I'm a bad writer' myth and are to focus on personal interests (in terms of subject matter) and to strip away the mystique surrounding the writing process,他说. "By understanding that all writing is a process of exploration, 起草, 修改, 和重复, students can allow themselves to make mistakes, and then learn from them and move on."

Jurgens encourages students to see him as a writing coach, someone who believes in them and encourages them and helps them identify their strengths and weaknesses. Lab days are a regular fixture in his course schedules, as he is on-hand to read drafts, assist with outlines and facilitate peer review. No two sections of any of Jurgens' courses look exactly the same. His ideal classroom is one in which everyone is prepared and ready to work, and in which everyone thinks on their feet, 一起或单独.

Jurgens prefers a more conversational, hands-on approach to learning. Very little time in his classroom involves traditional lecturing. "I believe that the classroom should function as a collaborative, 充满活力的地方, where we're not afraid to try new things, 向左急转弯, 或者进行复杂的讨论,尤尔根斯说. "This means that group-work is essential (as it is in life in general), and everyone needs to contribute. Because I believe strongly in sustainability, I run a (mostly) paperless classroom, wherein all major assignments are submitted online, leaving printing and stapling hassles in the past, 属于他们的地方."

Jurgens' English 112 students do a large component of their coursework outside of the classroom, as they work closely with local non-profits preparing proposals, newsletters and engage with other work that directly affects the community.

Before arriving 卡内基梅隆大学, Jurgens taught at Oregon State University for three years. His work included significant time in ESL classrooms, working with international students from all over the world. 接下来的两年, he taught at Brazosport College in Lake Jackson, 德州, where he enjoyed working with a large number of non-traditional and dual-credit students.

当他不教书的时候, Jurgens spends most of his time raising his two daughters and exploring Colorado's beautiful outdoors. If he has any extra energy or time left, he is probably watching a film or reading a new book.

更加与众不同' curriculum vitae